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RATO explains the importance of pacifiers for babies

source: | Release Date:2023-10-09

As the baby grows, they will encounter many different situations, such as growth and development pain, environmental changes, and refusal to sleep. These situations often make the baby anxious and upset, and the pacifier, as a special baby product, is of great importance in helping the baby through these difficulties. Below Jean RATO Take an in-depth look at the importance of pacifiers for babies!

RATO explains the importance of pacifiers for babies

1. Relieve anxiety

For a newborn baby, sucking and crying is their instinctive way of survival, especially in the first few months after the baby is born, the pacifier can effectively relieve their crying due to hunger, loneliness or pain. In addition, many studies have also proved that a suitable babypacifierIt can reduce their psychological stress, make it easier for them to adapt to the unfamiliar world, distract the baby's attention from pain, and thus reduce crying.

2. Promote oral development

Pacifiers also help with the development of your baby's oral health. In the process of sucking the pacifier, the baby can exercise the oral muscles and promote the development of teeth. At the same time, the correct use of pacifiers can also prevent safety problems such as sudden infant death syndrome.

3. Help you sleep

The pacifier helps your baby calm down and make it easier for your baby to fall asleep. The sucking motion puts the baby into a natural state of comfort and helps them fall asleep faster. Pacifiers can also effectively reduce the number of times your baby rolls over, reducing the risk of accidents.

In short, as an indispensable part of the baby's life, the pacifier has an important impact on the baby's emotional stability, oral health and the quality of life of parents. The correct use of pacifiers can bring the baby more comfort and security, so that the baby can grow up more healthily and happily.

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【Article label】 Pacifier RATO



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