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Food grade silicone maternal and child products smell how to do?

source: | Release Date:2023-10-09

Food gradeSilicone baby and baby productsIs the use of high-quality silica gel material through the mold pressed to come, usually this kind of product is no odor. This is due to the high attention paid to material properties and odor during the production of silicone, so there is usually no odor or sulfur odor. In the production process, it is very important to choose the right silica gel raw materials and vulcanizing agents.

Food grade silicone maternal and child products smell how to do?

However, sometimes we still find that silicone maternal and child products have a certain odor, which is likely because the manufacturer used ordinary silicone materials and did not deal with the odor. How to deal with this problem? In fact, as long as we take some measures on the silicone maternal and child products purchased back, we can remove the odor on the surface. Here are some ways to get rid of odors:

1. Ventilation: Put the silicone maternal and child products in a well-ventilated environment, so that the strong odor is slowly emitted. The length of time depends on the actual odor level.

2. White vinegar wipe: white vinegar has a good odor removal effect, wipe the surface of silicone maternal and child products with white vinegar, and then put it in a ventilated place, the odor should be significantly reduced after a period of time.

3. Washing: Use water and food grade detergent to thoroughly clean the silicone maternal and child products, and then dry. Repeat this step as many times as necessary.

4. High temperature boiling: the silicone maternal and child products are thoroughly boiled with high temperature to achieve the effect of sterilization and deodorization. Note that during the cooking process, some edible lemon juice or white vinegar can be added to improve the flavor removal effect.

5. Sun exposure: the silicone maternal and child products are flattened and placed in direct sunlight to dry, and the ultraviolet rays of the sun can effectively remove odor.

Zhongshan Rato Silicone Technology CO., LTD has a long-term supply of first-line brand raw materials. passISO9001Quality system certification. From incoming materials, processing, and final molding, each link is controlled by quality control layer by layer, and each link goes through precise quality control. Complete equipment, committed to providing customers with reliable, durable silicone products.

【Article label】 Silicone baby and baby products



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