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About RATO

Zhongshan Rato Silicone Technology CO., LTD was established2014years9month28Day. The company is based on the research and development and production of liquid solid silicone products, mold development and design, special equipment improvement, manpower saving, automated production links. Combine the characteristics of the industry and its own advantages, to provide guests with heartwarming service. The main business of the company is to make silicone molding products. Our products are mainly used in3CElectronics, smart wear, baby, car, kitchen and other industries. The orientation of the company is to do difficult silicone products, do challenging silicone products, and do creative silicone products.

Enterprise mission Enterprise mission

In the pursuit of both material and spiritual happiness of all employees at the same time, with the "heart" to provide products and services, make customers' products and life better, help the silicone molding industry scientific and technological progress, and contribute to the progress and development of society.

Corporate vision Corporate vision

The technology leader in the field of silicone molding, the world's outstanding supplier of silicone parts.

Corporate values

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