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Talent recruitment

Ruituo Silicone Rubber Technology Co. was established2014Focusing on the development and manufacturing of silicone rubber products, the company is located in the East Industrial Park, Nanlang Town, Zhongshan City, with complete supporting facilities, staff dormitories and staff dining halls, and in strict accordance with the provisions of the Labor Bureau for employees to buy five insurance and one fund, the treatment is superior.

  • > Consolidated incomeoperator5000~7000yuan/Month, quality inspector4000~5500yuan/month
  • > Recruitment positionSeveral operators and quality inspectors(Regular worker)
  • > Recruitment requirementsMen and women, ages18~45The operator can adapt to the two-shift working system, and the quality inspector works on day shift for a long time.
  • > Salary situation1, overtime pay, weekdays16.38yuan/Hours, weekends21.84yuan/Hour, night shift allowance20yuan/Late;
    2After one year of employment, plus200yuan/Monthly seniority award;
    3Long-term recruitment of temporary workers.
  • > Corporate welfare1Enjoy legal holidays prescribed by the state;
    2Accommodation, dormitory air conditioning and hot water(Pay your own utilities);
    3The company provides working meals;
    4After one year of employment, enjoy5Days of paid annual leave;
    5For employees who have passed the probation period, the company will buy five insurances and one fund for them.

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